Eight things your existing ASP.NET apps should get for “free” from a good platform

Of all the app modernization strategies, “lift and shift” is my least favorite. To me, picking up an app and dropping it onto a new host is like transferring your debt to a new credit card with a lower interest rate. It’s better, but mostly temporary relief. That said, if your app can inherit legitimate improvements without major changes by running on a new platform, you’d be crazy to not consider it.

Examples? Here are eight things I think you should expect of a platform that runs your existing .NET apps. And when I say “platform”, I don’t mean an infrastructure host or container runtime. Rather, I’m talking about application-centric platform that supplies what’s needed for a fully configured, routable app. I’ll use Azure Web Apps (part of Azure App Service) and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) as the demo platforms for this post.

#1 Secure app packaging

First, a .NET-friendly app platform should package up my app for me. Containers are cool. I’ll be happy if I never write another Dockerfile, though. Just get me from source-to-runnable-artifact as easily as possible. This can be a BIG value-add for existing .NET apps where getting them to production is a pain in the neck.

Both Azure Web Apps and PCF do this for me.

I built a “classic” ASP.NET Web Service to simulate a legacy app that I want to run on one of these new-fangled platforms. The source code is in GitHub, so you can follow along. This SOAP web service returns a value, and also does things like pull values from environment variables, and writes out log statements.

To deploy it to Azure Web Apps using the Azure CLI, I followed a few steps, none of which required up-front containerization. First, I created a “plan” for my app, which can include things like a resource group, data center location, and more.

az appservice plan create -g demos -n BlogPlan 

Next, I created the actual Web App. For the moment, I didn’t point to source code, but just provisioned the environment. In reality, this creates lightweight Windows Server VMs. Microsoft did recently add experimental support for Windows Containers, but I’m not using that here.

az webapp create -g demos -p BlogPlan -n aspnetservice

Finally, I pointed my web app to the source code. There are a number of options here, and I chose the option to pull from GitHub.

az webapp deployment source config -n aspnetservice -g
demos --repo-url https://github.com/rseroter/classic-aspnet-web-service
--branch master --repository-type github

After a few minutes, I saw everything show up in the Azure portal. Microsoft took care of the packaging of my application and properly laying it atop a managed runtime. I manually went into the “Application Settings” properties for my Web App and added environment variables too.

PCF (and Pivotal Application Service, specifically) is similar, and honestly a bit easier. While I could have published this .NET Framework project completely as-is to PCF, I did add a manifest.yml file to the project. This file simply tells Cloud Foundry what to name the app, how many instances to run, and such. From the local git repo, I used the Cloud Foundry CLI to simply cf push. This resulted in my app artifacts getting uploaded, a buildpack compiling and packaging the app, and a Windows Container spinning up on the platform. Yes, it’s a full-on Windows Server Container, built on your behalf, and managed by the platform.

When I built this project using Visual Studio for Mac, I could only push the app to PCF. Azure kept gurgling about a missing build profile. Once I built the app using classic Visual Studio on Windows, it all worked. Probably user error.

Either way, both platforms took care of building up the runnable artifact. No need for me to find the right Windows base image, and securely configure the .NET runtime. That’s all taken care of by a good platform.

#2 Routable endpoints

A web app needs to be reachable. SHOCKING, I KNOW. Simply deploying an application to a VM or container environment isn’t the end state. A good platform also ensures that my app has a routable endpoint that humans or machines can access. Again, for existing .NET apps, if you have a way to speed up the path to production by making apps reachable in seconds, that’s super valuable.

For Azure Web Apps, this is built-in. When I deployed the app above, I immediately got a URL back from the platform. Azure Web Apps automatically takes care of getting me an HTTP/S endpoint.

Same for PCF. When you push an app to PCF, you immediately get a load balanced network route. And you have complete control over DNS names, etc. And you can easily set up TCP routes in addition to HTTP/S ones.

It’s one thing to get app binaries onto a host. For many, it’s a whole DIFFERENT task to get routable IPs, firewalls opened up, load balancers configured, and all that gooey networking stuff required to call an app “ready.” A good application platform does that, especially for .NET apps.

#3 Log aggregation

As someone who had to spend lots of time scouring Windows Event Logs to troubleshoot, I’m lovin’ the idea of something that automatically collects application logs from all the hosts. If you have existing .NET apps and don’t like spelunking around for logs, a good application platform should help.

Azure Web Apps offers built-in log collection and log streaming. These are something you turn on (after picking where to store the logs), but it’s there.

PCF immediately starts streaming application logs when you deploy an app, and also has collectors for things like the Windows Event Log. As you see below, after calling my ASP.NET Web Service a few times, I see the log output, and the reference to the individual hosts each instance is running on (pulled from the environment and written to the log). You can pipe these aggregated logs to off-platform environments like Splunk or even Azure Log Analytics.

Log aggregation is one of those valuable things you may not consider up front, but it’s super handy if the platform does it for you automatically.

#4 App metrics collection and app monitoring

No matter how great, no platform will magically light up your existing apps with unimaginable telemetry. But, a good application platform does automatically capture infrastructure and application metrics and correlate them. And preferably, such a platform does it without requiring you to explicitly add monitoring agents or code to your existing app. If your .NET app can instantly get high quality, integrated monitoring simply by running somewhere else, that’s good, right?

Does Azure Web Apps do this? You betcha. By default, you get some basic traffic-in/traffic-out sort of metrics on the Web Apps dashboard in the Azure Portal.

Once you flip on Application Insights (not on by default), you get a much, much deeper look at your running application. This seems pretty great, and it “just works” with my old-and-busted ASP.NET Web Service.

Speaking of “just works”, the same applies to PCF and your .NET Framework apps. After I pushed the ASP.NET Web Service to PCF, I automatically saw a set of data points, thanks to the included, integrated PCF Metrics service.

It’s simple to add, remove, or change charts based on included or your own custom metrics. And the application logs get correlated here, so clicking on a time slice in the chart also highlights logs from that time period.

For either Azure or PCF, you can use best-of-breed application performance monitoring tools like New Relic too. Whatever you do, expect that your .NET applications get native access to at-scale monitoring capabilities.

#5 Manual or auto-scaling

An application platform knows how to scale apps. Up or down, in or out. Manually or automatically. If “file a ticket” is your scaling strategy, maybe it’s time for a new one?

As you’d expect, both Azure and PCF make app scaling easy, even on Windows Server. Azure Web Apps let you scale the amount of allocated resources (up or down) and number of instances (in or out). Because I was a cheapskate with my Azure Web App, I chose a tier that didn’t support autoscaling. So, know ahead of time what you’ve chosen as it can impact how much you can scale.

For PCF, there aren’t any “plans” that constrain features. So I can either manually scale resource allocation or instance count, or define an auto-scale policy that triggers based on resource consumption, queue depth, or HTTP traffic.

Move .NET apps to a platform that improve app resilience. One way you get that is through easy, automated scaling.

#6 Fault detection and recovery

If you’re lifting-and-shifting .NET apps, you’re probably not going back and fixing a lot of stuff. Maybe your app has a memory leak and crashes every 14 hours. And maybe you wrote a Windows Scheduled Task that bounces the web server’s app pool every 13 hours to prevent the crash. NO ONE IS JUDGING YOU. A good platform knows that things went wrong, and automatically recovers you to a good state.

Now, most of the code I write crashes on its own, but I wanted to be even more explicit to see how each platform handles unexpected failures. So, I did a VERY bad thing. I created a SOAP endpoint that violently aborts the thread.

public void CrashMe()

After calling that endpoint on the Azure Web Apps-hosted service, the instance crashed, and Azure resurrected after a minute or two. Nice!

In PCF, things worked the same way. Since we’re dealing with Windows Server Containers in PCF, the recovery was faster. You can see in the screenshot below that the app instance crashed, and a new instance immediately spawned to replace it.

Cool. My classic .NET Framework app gets auto-recovery in these platforms. This is an underrated feature, but one you should demand.

#7 Underlying infrastructure access

One of the biggest benefits of PaaS is that developers can stop dealing with infrastructure. FINALLY. The platform should do all the things above so that I never mess with servers, networking, agents, or anything that makes me sad. That said, sometimes you do want to dip into the infrastructure. For a legacy .NET app, maybe you want to inspect a temporary log file written to disk, see what got installed into which directories, or even to download extra bits after deploying the app. I’d barely recommend doing any of those things on ephemeral instances, but sometimes the need is there.

Both Azure and PCF make it straightforward to access the application instances. From the Azure portal, I can dip into a console pointing at the hosting VM.

I can browse elsewhere on the hosting VM, but only have r/w access to the directory the console drops me into.

PCF uses Windows Server Containers, so I could SSH right into it. Once I’m in this isolated space, I have r/w access to lots of things. And can trigger PowerShell commands and more.

If infrastructure access is REQUIRED to deploy and troubleshoot your app, you’re not using an application platform. And that may be fine, but you should expect more. For those cases when you WANT to dip down to the host, a platform should offer a pathway.

#8 Zero-downtime deployment

Does your .NET Framework app need to be rebuilt to support continuous updates? Not necessarily. In fact, a friendly .NET app platform makes it possible to keep updating the app in production without taking downtime.

Azure Web Apps offers deployment slots. This makes it possible to publish a new version, and swap it out for what’s already running. It’s a cool feature that requires a “standard” or “premium” plan to use.

PCF supports rolling deployments for apps written in any language, to Windows or Linux. Let’s say I have four instances of my app running. I made a small code change to my ASP.NET Web Service and did a cf v3-zdt-push aspnet-web-service. This command did a zero-downtime push, which means that new instances of the app replaced old instances, without disrupting traffic. As you can see below, 3 of the instances were swapped out, and the fourth one was coming online. When the fourth came online, it replaced the last remaining “old” instance of the app.

Over time, you should probably replatform most .NET Framework apps to .NET Core. It makes sense for many reasons. But that journey may take a decade. Find platforms that treat Windows and Linux, .NET Framework and .NET Core the same way. Expect all these 8 features in your platform of choice so that you get lots of benefits for “free” until you can do further modernization.

Author: Richard Seroter

Richard Seroter is currently the Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud and leads the Developer Relations program. He’s also an instructor at Pluralsight, a frequent public speaker, the author of multiple books on software design and development, and a former InfoQ.com editor plus former 12-time Microsoft MVP for cloud. As Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud, Richard leads the team of developer advocates, developer engineers, outbound product managers, and technical writers who ensure that people find, use, and enjoy Google Cloud. Richard maintains a regularly updated blog on topics of architecture and solution design and can be found on Twitter as @rseroter.