Fronting web sites, a classic .NET app, and a serverless function with Spring Cloud Gateway

Automating deployment of custom code and infrastructure? Not always easy, but feels like a solved problem. It gets trickier when you want to use automation to instantiate and continuously update databases and middleware. Why? This type of software stores state which makes upgrades more sensitive. You also may be purchasing this type of software from vendors who haven’t provided a full set of automation-friendly APIs. Let’s zero in on one type of middleware: API gateways.

API gateways do lots of things. They selectively expose private services to wider audiences. With routing rules, they make it possible to move clients between versions of a service without them noticing. They protect downstream services by offering capabilities like rate limiting and caching. And they offer a viable way for those with a microservices architecture to secure services without requiring each service to do their own authentication. Historically, your API gateway was a monolith of its own. But a new crop of automation-friendly OSS (and cloud-hosted) options are available, and this gives you new ways to deploy many API gateway instances that get continuously updated.

I’ve been playing around with Spring Cloud Gateway, which despite its name, can proxy traffic to a lot more than just Spring Boot applications. In fact, I wanted to try and create a configuration-only-no-code API Gateway that could do three things:

  1. Weighted routing between “regular’ web pages on the internet.
  2. Add headers to a JavaScript function running in Microsoft Azure.
  3. Performing rate-limiting on a classic ASP.NET Web Service running on the Pivotal Platform.

Before starting, let me back up and briefly explain what Spring Cloud Gateway is. Basically, it’s a project that turns a Spring Boot app into an API gateway that routes requests while applying cross-cutting functionality for things like security. Requests come in, and if the request matches a declared route, the request is passed through a series of filters, sent to the target endpoint, and “post” filters get applied on the way back to the client. Spring Cloud Gateway built on a Reactive base, which means it’s non-blocking and efficiently handles many simultaneous requests.

The biggest takeaway? This is just an app. You can write tests and do continuous integration. You can put it on a pipeline and continuously deliver your API gateway. That’s awesome.

Note that you can easily follow along with the steps below without ANY Java knowledge! Everything I’m doing using configuration you can also do with the Java DSL, but I wanted to prove how straightforward the configuration-only option is.

Creating the Spring Cloud Gateway project

This is the first, and easiest, part of this demonstration. I went to, and generated a new Spring Boot project. This project has dependencies on Gateway (to turn this into an API gateway), Spring Data Reactive Redis (for storing rate limiting info), and Spring Boot Actuator (so we get “free” metrics and insight into the gateway). Click this link to generate an identical project.

Doing weighed routing between web pages

For the first demonstration, I wanted to send traffic to either or You might use weighted routing to do A/B testing with different versions of your site, or even to send a subset of traffic to a new API.

I added an application.yml file (to replace the default file) to hold all my configuration settings. Here’s the configuration, and we’ll go through it bit by bit.

      # doing weighted routing between two sites
      - id: test1
        - Path=/spring
        - Weight=group1, 3
        - SetPath=/spring-app-framework
      - id: test2
        - Path=/spring
        - Weight=group1, 7
        - SetPath=/

Each “route” is represented by a section in the YAML configuration. A route has a URI (which represents the downstream host), and a route predicate that indicates the path on the gateway you’re invoking. For example, in this case, my path is “/spring” which means that sending a request to “localhost:8080/spring” would map to this route configuration.

Now, you’ll see I have two routes with the same path. These are part of the same weighted routing group, which means that traffic to /spring will go to one of the two downstream endpoints. The second endpoint is heavily weighted (7 vs 3), so most traffic goes there. Also see that I applied one filter to clear out the path. If I didn’t do this, then requests to localhost:8080/spring would result in a call to, as the path (and querystring) is forwarded. Instead, I stripped that off for requests to, and added the secondary path into the endpoint.

I’ve got Java and Maven installed locally, so a simple command (mvn spring-boot:run) starts up my Spring Cloud Gateway. Note that so far, I’ve written exactly zero code. Thanks to Spring Boot autoconfiguration and dependency management, all the right packages exist and runtime objects get inflated. Score!

Once, the Spring Cloud Gateway was up and running, I pinged the Gateway’s endpoint in the browser. Note that some browser’s try to be helpful by caching things, which screws up a weighted routing demo! I opened the Chrome DevTools and disabled request caching before running a test.

That worked great. Our gateway serves up a single endpoint, but through basic configuration, I can direct a subset of traffic somewhere else.

Adding headers to serverless function calls

Next, I wanted to stick my gateway in front of some serverless functions running in Azure Functions. You could imagine having a legacy system that you were slowly strangling and replacing with managed services, and leveraging Spring Cloud Gateway to intercept calls and redirect to the new destination.

For this example, I built a dead-simple JavaScript function that’s triggered via HTTP call. I added a line of code that prints out all the request headers before sending a response to the caller.

The Spring Cloud Gateway configuration is fairly simple. Let’s walk through it.

      # doing weighted routing between two sites
      - id: test1
      # adding a header to an Azure Function request
      - id: test3
        - Path=/function
        - SetPath=/api/HttpTrigger1
        - SetRequestHeader=X-Request-Seroter, Pivotal

Like before, I set the URI to the target host, and set a gateway path. On the pre-filters, I reset the path (removing the /function and replacing with the “real” path to the Azure Function) and added a new request header.

I started up the Spring Cloud Gateway project and sent in a request via Postman. My function expects a “name” value, which I provided as a query parameter.

I jumped back to the Azure Portal and checked the logs associated with my Azure Function. Sure enough, I see all the HTTP request headers, including the random one that I added via the gateway. You could imagine this type of functionality helping if you have modern endpoints and legacy clients and need to translate between them!

Applying rate limiting to an ASP.NET Web Service

You know what types of apps can benefit from an API Gateway? Legacy apps that weren’t designed for high load or modern clients. One example is rate limiting. Your legacy service may not be able to handle internet-scale requests, or have a dependency on a downstream system that isn’t mean to get pummeled with traffic. You can apply request caching and rate limiting to prevent clients from burying the legacy app.

First off, I built a classic ASP.NET Web Service. I hoped to never use SOAP again, but I’m dedicated to my craft.

I did a “cf push” to my Pivotal Application Service environment and deployed two instances of the app to a Windows environment. In a few seconds, I had a publicly-accessible endpoint.

Then it was back to my Gateway configuration. To do rate limiting, you need a way to identify callers. You know, some way to say that client X has exceeded their limit. Out of the box, there’s a rate limiter that uses Redis to store information about clients. That means I need a Redis instance. The simplest answer is “Docker”, so I ran a simple command to get Redis running locally (docker run --name my-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis).

I also needed a way to identify the caller. Here, I finally had to write some code. Specifically, this rate limiter filter expects a “key resolver.” I don’t see a way to declare one via configuration, so I opened the .java file in my project and added a Bean declaration that pulls a query parameter named “user.” That’s not enterprise ready (as you’d probably pull source IP, or something from a header), but this’ll do.

public class CloudGatewayDemo1Application {

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  KeyResolver userKeyResolver() {
    return exchange -> 

All that was left was my configuration. Besides adding rate limiting, I also wanted to to shield the caller from setting all those gnarly SOAP-related headings, so I added filters for that too.

      # doing weighted routing between two sites
      - id: test1
      # adding a header to an Azure Function request
      - id: test3
      # introducing rate limiting for ASP.NET Web Service
      - id: test4
        - Path=/dotnet
        - name: RequestRateLimiter
            key-resolver: "#{@userKeyResolver}"
            redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate: 1
            redis-rate-limiter.burstCapacity: 1
        - SetPath=/MyService.asmx
        - SetRequestHeader=SOAPAction,
        - SetRequestHeader=Content-Type, text/xml
        - SetRequestHeader=Accept, text/xml

Here, I set the replenish rate, which is how many request per second per user, and burst capacity, which is the max number of requests in a single second. And I set the key resolver to that custom bean that reads the “user” querystring parameter. Finally, notice the three request headers.

I once again started up the Spring Cloud Gateway, and send a SOAP payload (no extra headers) to the localhost:8080/dotnet endpoint.

A single call returned the expected response. If I rapidly submitted requests in, I saw an HTTP 429 response.

So almost zero code to do some fairly sophisticated things with my gateway. None of those things involved a Java microservice, although obviously, Spring Cloud Gateway does some very nice things for Spring Boot apps.

I like this trend of microservices-machinery-as-code where I can test and deploy middleware the same way I do custom apps. The more things we can reliably deliver via automation, the more bottlenecks we can remove.

Author: Richard Seroter

Richard Seroter is currently the Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud and leads the Developer Relations program. He’s also an instructor at Pluralsight, a frequent public speaker, the author of multiple books on software design and development, and a former editor plus former 12-time Microsoft MVP for cloud. As Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud, Richard leads the team of developer advocates, developer engineers, outbound product managers, and technical writers who ensure that people find, use, and enjoy Google Cloud. Richard maintains a regularly updated blog on topics of architecture and solution design and can be found on Twitter as @rseroter.

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